Everything you need to get a comprehensive overview of a building's energy performance!
Visually cross-compare buildings across different Maryland state agencies through their EUI and metrics such as Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption.
Use single metrics or a combination of multiple metrics to gauge how a state-owned building performs in the REA portfolio.
View important metrics such as CO2 Emission Reduction Potential, Non-Compliance Fees and Energy Consumption across a specified time period for further analysis.
View how selected metrics change over time, identifying any anomalies that may have occurred with deviations from the projected trend lines.
And much more!
Get a fine-grained view of the performance of a metric for each month throughout the years for further analysis.
Identify abnormal energy consumption across each month and year of buildings by specifying custom thresholds.
Explore comprehensive, expertly crafted reports prepared by REA's dedicated hands-on audit team.
Learn about energy related federal and state financial incentives and regulatory policies.